Reaction Terminator 2, The Flash & Alien Wave 2 USA

24301 - Reaction Terminator 2, The Flash & Alien Wave 2 USA
24301 - Reaction Terminator 2, The Flash & Alien Wave 2 USA


Reaction Terminator 2, The Flash & Alien Wave 2 USA

Item number: 24301

Item # 5598 Reaction Terminator 2
2 832 units
Pack : 24 - Assorted as follows: 4 inner boxes of 6 - in each inner box
1 - Sarah Connor
2 - T1000
3 - T1000 Motorcycle Cop

Item # 5403 Reaction: The Flash - Captain Cold
3 678 units
Pack: 24
Item # 5216 Reaction Alien Wave 2
3 798 units

Pack : 24 - Assorted as follows
Alien (with metallic flesh) - 3 in one inner box
Ripley (in spacesuit) - 1 in an inner box
Kane (with facehugger) 1 in an inner box
Kane (with chestburster) 1 in an inner box
Price take all: 1.99$ each

Price: 1.99 $

If you are interested in buying this stock offer or you have any questions feel free to contact us.