European brand mix women shoes EUROPE

24317 - European brand mix women shoes EUROPE

European brand mix women shoes EUROPE

Item number: 24317

We offer Mixed Leather and non leather women shoes stock.
Price take all: 5.75€ pair
Brand new with original package and price.
Well Mixed sizes and Models.
French and Spanish brands.
Leather and non leather shoes.
Brands included: K by Kookai, Creeks, N By naf naf, Lh by la halle, Fosco, Trappeur, Pat et Ripaton P by Pataugas etc.
The stock is from last season (max 1 year old)
Note that this is a mixed lot and you can not choose sizes and models.
They are well mixed.
EXW Europe

Additional information:

Pictures and packinglist Pictures and packinglist here

Price: 5.75 €

If you are interested in buying this stock offer or you have any questions feel free to contact us.