Nutella 400g and 700g Europe

47962 - Nutella 400g and 700g Europe
47962 - Nutella 400g and 700g Europe
47962 - Nutella 400g and 700g Europe
47962 - Nutella 400g and 700g Europe
47962 - Nutella 400g and 700g Europe
47962 - Nutella 400g and 700g Europe
47962 - Nutella 400g and 700g Europe

Nutella 400g and 700g Europe

Item number: 47962

We can offer Nutella permanently in these formats:

400g, 2.55€ piece
Logistics = 12/64/768
EAN = 40084053

700g, 3.78€ piece
Logistics = 15/99/1485
EAN = 80895237

MOQ = FTL (33 or 66 pallets)
Text = DE
Pallet cost = 25€ each
Fresh production
EXW Austria

Price: 2.55 €

If you are interested in buying this stock offer or you have any questions feel free to contact us.