Different type of masks Europe

35306 - Different type of masks Europe
35306 - Different type of masks Europe
35306 - Different type of masks Europe
35306 - Different type of masks Europe
35306 - Different type of masks Europe


Different type of masks Europe

Item number: 35306

We can offer:
60 000x Ekomask 0.43 EUR pcs.
2 800x FFP2 masks with EN and CE - 3.60 EUR pcs.
45 000x FFP1 masks with EN and CE - 3.40 EUR pcs.
2 000 000 face masks
Price per piece: 0.42 EUR pcs.
EXW Europe

Additional information:

More pictures here.zip More pictures here

Price: 0.42 €

If you are interested in buying this stock offer or you have any questions feel free to contact us.